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While a perfect relationship may not be possible, you can work to create a healthy relationship.

What makes a relationship healthy? Well, no relationship is 100% perfect, especially because we all have our flaws. A great relationship is driven by love, honesty, and most importantly trust, when either of this lack, the relationship is most likely to experience challenges that may even lead to a breakup.

While a perfect relationship may not be possible, you can work to create a healthy relationship. Here are tips you can use to build a healthy relationship.

1. Speak your mind 

Your relationship will thrive when both of you can express personal opinions freely and with utmost honesty without fearing the reaction of the other partner.

2. Have healthy conflicts.

It’s normal to agree and disagree on certain issues in a relationship. Understand that there are certain opinions and perspectives that you two will never agree on. When you have such disagreements find a common ground reasonably and respectfully without calling names or yelling at one another.

3. Make decisions jointly.

Involve your partner in every decision you make, don’t be the one calling all the shots in the relationship. Listen to your partner’s concerns regarding any topic or idea. Similarly, don’t let an individual’s interest and preferences dominate while compromising the other. This is to avoid involving your partner in activities that one may not be interested in.

4. Trust is key in a relationship.

In a healthy relationship, trust is key. Building trust involves constant communication with your partner without reservations or secrets. Also, recognize each other’s need for privacy and boundaries. This includes not checking on your partner’s phone.

5. Encourage each other toward personal goals.

Push your partner towards taking an extra step to realize the full potential and personal goals for a better future together. Encourage your partner to pursue their goals and assure them of your support no matter the outcome.

6. Take responsibility.

Avoid blame games when you make a mistake. Instead, admit that you were wrong and apologize to your partner. Additionally, work towards not repeating the same mistake so that it may not seem intentional.

7. Make your relationship a safe space.

Whenever things are hard for both of you, your relationship should be a haven where you can run and sort out your issues. This is meant to discourage either of the partners from sharing private issues with outsiders.

8. Use the magic words.

Make use of words like ‘I love you, ‘Thank you, and ‘I’m sorry to reassure your other half that no matter how hard it may seem, everything will fall into place.

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Tess Newera

Blog Together, Learn Together


Nairobi Kenya
